Page 3 - Summer Cardinal Connection FINAL
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MLS has experienced a number of changes in faculty
and staff this past year. Two significant retirements took
place. Prof. James Wooster retired after 41 years in
the ministry and 21 of those served at MLS. Also staff
member Diana Finkbeiner retired after 27 years serving
as our Athletic Department secretary and also facilitating
our financial aid and scholarship opportunities.
James Wooster Diana Finkbeiner Jon Huebner
This year three other faculty will be leaving us. Professor
Jon Huebner, teacher of physics and upper level math
has accepted a call to St. Croix. Emergency Instructor
Elizabeth Broring will return to MLC to complete her
studies for her teaching degree. Finally, Tutor Josh
Schultz has completed his two years at MLS and was
assigned to be pastor at Mountain View Lutheran Church
in Great Falls, MT. Elizabeth Broring Josh Schultz
MLS had been calling to fill some of these pending
vacancies and one vacancy that has been open for over
a year. Mr. Eric Scheuerlein from Redwood Falls,
MN accepted our call to teach upper level math. To
complete our faculty for next year, MLS received five
one-year assignments from MLC. Lauren Maertz who
had completed two years as tutor was assigned to be a
Eric Scheuerlein Lauren Maertz Alyssa Maertz science instructor for a third year on our campus. Alyssa
Maertz was assigned to take her place as tutor. Ross
Chartrand was assigned as our new tutor to replace Josh
Schultz. His wife Charissa was subsequently called to
be an additional tutor. Then Nathan Guhl was assigned
to teach physics and chemistry. Brooke DeAnda was
assigned to teach Spanish.
Ross & Charissa Nathan Guhl Brooke DeAnda
Chartrand MLS is grateful to the Lord for blessing us with teachers
FORMER FACULTY RIBBON for next year. The call process will continue as we seek to
fill vacant positions with permanent faculty.
The following former professors instructors or tutors are
featured in this edition of the Cardinal Connection:
Howard Birkholz John Langebartels
Carol Dietz Sue Post
Kurt Gillespie Ed Voeltz
Abigail Gunn Meilahn Zahn