Page 8 - Summer Cardinal Connection FINAL
P. 8



     The “big board” came down along with the faculty cubbies. (Top) Original wall to the MLS Refectory! (Right)
           he dust is flying at MLS these days.  The reason is   contractors in
           that MLS has embarked on a consolidation project.    areas where state
    TThis remodeling project will turn the former Room          guidelines need
     11 area and the Faculty room into a group of offices       to be met.  The
     as well as break room for staff and faculty work room.     faculty room
     The goal of this project is to bring most of our campus    will be moved
     administrators closer together in the entrance area of our   to another area
     building.  This will allow for better communication as well   of our facility.
     as efficiency gains in the use of support staff which will   A new faculty lounge and faculty work room will also
     be able to be shared more readily across administrative    be created.  Other shifts in how spaces will be used by
     needs.  This project, which is being funded by the MLS     technology and the MLS Foundation will also take place.
     Foundation, will be primarily accomplished through the     All in all, this project will help MLS to be more efficient in
     maintenance staff of MLS with some help at times from      its operations on behalf of our students.

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