Page 5 - Summer Cardinal Connection FINAL
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The softball team had a fairly successful Saginaw) was named team MVP The best way to to describe this year’s
season. They finished their season with and earned honorable mention all- baseball team would be to characterize them
a record of 10-14-1. This doubled their conference. Junior Laura Schrader as young. Fifteen players were kept on the
win total from the previous season. (St. John’s, Saginaw) also was selected team this year instead of the typical twelve,
The team finished 6-8 in league play, honorable mention all-conference. including only three seniors. In addition to
which was good Junior Reese the three seniors, two were freshmen, one
for fifth place. The VanLue (St. Luke’s, sophomore, and nine juniors. Hopefully the
girls played their Vassar) made future is looking good. The leading hitter
best softball at the second team all- for the team was freshman Lance Wiltse
end of the season. conference for the (St. Bartholomew, Kawkawlin). He was also
They won eight second straight elected second team all-conference. Lance
out of their last year. Easter (St. Bartholomew, Kawkawlin) and
ten games. This Garrett Callen (Saving Grace, Mobile, AL)
included a district There were eight were both honorable mention all-conference.
championship 2017 Disitrict Champions seniors on the This group was a fun group to be around
with an 11-3 win over Genesee. The team and they will be missed next year. and they worked
girls lost to a good Coleman team in Some of the returning girls will be hard to improve.
the regional semifinals. counted on to take on new roles in the On paper their
future. The team will be in pursuit of record doesn’t
Senior Sam Schoch (St. John’s, their third district title in a row. look that
good (3-18),
TRACK & FIELD but the boys
The season was filled with firsts and lasts. It was Coach Jon Huebner’s first year as
head coach of both the boys’ and girls’ teams. It was also the first season that the showed great
team used the hallways for practice (fortunately not too long). Three new coaches improvement
were added this year: Tutor Lauren Maertz (sprints and hurdles), Tutor Wes and seem excited Lance Wiltse
Towne (jumps), and Aaron Squanda (alumnus - distance). about next year.
The team was filled with new faces: 11 freshmen girls, 15 Track & Field All-Conference
freshmen boys, and 10 new upperclassmen. These newcomers
didn’t just show up; they showed up to compete. The Rebecca Rivera: 3200m Run
immediate impact of the many underclassmen gives promise
of a bright future. This year was also the first year attending SECOND TEAM
Joe Kieta: 800m Run
the Chesaning Invitational and the Nite Trax Invitational Jace Fellers: 300m Hurdles
at Sanford-Meridian. Finally, there were many first place Carson Solomon: Long Jump
finishes throughout the year, most notably Rebecca Rivera’s Girls 4x800 Relay: K.Jones, R.Rivera, M.Pankow, M.Misner
(Messiah, S. Windsor, CT) first place finish in the 3200m Run THIRD TEAM
at the Conference Championship. Rebecca Rivera Logan Pankow: 1600m Run
Boys 4x800 Relay: L.Pankow, M.Burger, T.Baldwin, J.Kieta
Kendall Lehr: 400m Dash
2017 also included some lasts. It was the last season for our seniors who enjoyed Madeline Misner: 800m Run
a great deal of success and definitely left a positive impact on the program. It Leah Plocher: Shot Put
was also the last season for coach Jon Huebner who enjoyed working with so Nicole Lee: Long Jump
many wonderful people and will cherish the memories. The track team had a few HONORABLE MENTION
setbacks this season, including injuries and illnesses, but overall the season was a Caleb Heyn: 100m Dash, 200m Dash
Logan Pankow: 3200m Run
success because God allowed the athletes to glorify him with the many talents with Boys 4x400 Relay: J.Kieta, C.Solomon, J.Fellers, N.Spaude
which he blessed them. Andrew Owczarzak: Discus
Katy Jones: 1600m Run
Girls: 4x200 Relay: M.Wachowiak, M.Schroer, K.Wachowiak,
Gratitude goes to this year’s coaches: Maertz, Squanda, Towne, and Towne; captains: K.Lehr
Caleb Heyn, Andrew Owczarzak, Seth Willitz, Leah Plocher, Megan Pankow, and Girls 4x400 Relay: M.Misner, M.Pankow, K.Jones, K.Lehr
Kendall Lehr; and managers: Kayla Balogh, Andrea Herber, and Peter Kim. Olivia Krueger: Discus