Page 10 - Summer Cardinal Connection FINAL
P. 10


                                                TOMORROW’S MINISTRY BEGINS HERE

                                                This is the title of the silent campaign that the Ministry of Christian Giving
                                                will be conducting on behalf of MLS during the 2017-2018 school year.
                                                                Tomorrow’s Ministry Begins Here is a reminder of the
                                                                importance of our prep schools in the process of training
      Professor James Wooster                                   young men and women for the public ministry of the
                                                                 WELS.  This campaign will be seeking individual gifts to
                 Retires                                         help MLS continue to carry out the purpose it has been

                                                                 given by our synod for over 100 years:  to begin the
     For 21 years, Professor James                                training of boys and girls for continuation at the college
     Wooster has served as Professor                              and seminary level in the future.  This campaign will be
     of sciences, coach, Fine Arts                                 seeking gifts that will be used for financial aid, capital
                                                                   projects and to build up reserves to help bolster the MLS
     Fair  coordinator,  Sight  and                                financial position.  If the Lord has so blessed you with
     Sound director, AV coordinator                                 the heart and ability to be part of this campaign, please
     and recently as Arbor Day                                      contact  your  district  Ministry  of  Christian  Giving
     coordinator on the campus of                                   counselor or call MLS at 989-793-1010.


     He has served another 21 years
     in ministry elsewhere for a                MLS LOCK-IN
     total of 42 years in the public
     ministry.  Officially at the end           How would you get all the area grade school
     of June, he has now retired from           students to come to MLS to see what a great place
                                                this would be to attend high school?  One way that
     the public ministry.  Filling his          the admissions department has found to be a great
     shoes will be a challenge for              success is a Lock-In.  Beginning on a Friday evening

     MLS and we are grateful that he            and going until the wee hours of Saturday morning,
     may be in the area to help with            MLS has invited 5-8 grade students to come and enjoy
     a  few  things  on  campus  yet.           games, food, fellowship, worship and even some
                                                sleep at this all-night event run by MLS students.
     However, he and his wife Gayle             For three years now almost 200 students have been
     are looking to relocate closer             on our campus for this great night of fun.  After it
     to family in the not too distant           is over, everyone is fairly tired to be sure, but the
     future.                                    memories are great.  And for some, attending MLS
                                                has become a much greater possibility.
     MLS is grateful to God for the
     faithful service of this humble
     servant of his during these

     many years of ministry.  May
     the Lord now bless him also in
     his retirement.
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