Page 6 - Summer Cardinal Connection FINAL
P. 6

The Lady Cards Have A Season To Remember!

      For the first time in the     faced.  They successfully     Breslin Center at Michigan
      history of MLS basketball a   made it through the District  State they stayed composed
      team reached the state final.   and then Regional finals.   to defeat Engadine 64-59 in
      The girls’ basketball team    In the quarter-finals they    the semi-final game to earn
      this year, led by seniors     played a strong game          the right to face defending
      Rylee Pankow (Trinity, Bay                                  champion Pittsford in
      City) and Kendall Lehr                                      the State championship
      (Emanuel, Tawas) and              “God has been             game.  Unfortunately, a
      sophomore Megan Blaine        good to us and this           hot shooting Pittsford
      (St John’s, Hemlock), had an                                team was too much for
      average season against their   is a true blessing.”         the Lady Cardinals and
      rivals in the TVC West,       Coach Brian Blaine            they fell short of a state
      many of which were Class B                                  championship title, losing
      and C teams.                                                71-31.  Nevertheless, it was
                                                                  a dream season with lots
      When the playoffs came,       to upset No. 5 ranked         of excitement for MLS fans
      this tough season schedule    Waterford Our Lady of the     and the girls themselves.
      had toughened our girls for   Lakes by a score of 56-48.
      the Class D teams that they   Making their first trip to the
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