Page 1 - August 17 2017
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                                               AUTOMATIC TOUCHLESS
                                                                                    Drive in Dirty, Drive Out Clean
        Vol. 19  No. 31            604-989-4014  604-740-1315         Thursday, August 17, 2017  Our new Manager, Viola will
        This time it’s Mom’s fault                                                    EcoFriendly Touchless Carwash
                                                                                           make sure it Shines!
                                                                                            4 Wash / Dry Bays OPEN 24/7
           I put a roast in the oven one     business lunch, I decided to turn the          1 Larger Bay for RVs, Trucks & Boats
                                                                                            Vacuum, Shampoo, Fragrance & Vending Machines
                                                                                            Change Machine & ATM On Site!
        noon hour and set the timer, a       oven on myself.                                Detail Services Available
        feature I hadn't used yet. Before       Again before leaving work, I         Automatic Drive Through Wash
                                                                                          OPEN 7 DAYS 9 am to 5 pm
        leaving work that afternoon, I       called my son to check the roast and      COIN BAYS & VACUUM OPEN 24/7!
        phoned my 14-year-old son to ask     get the potatoes started.  Again he          5614 Inlet Avenue, Sechelt
        him to check the roast and peel      called me back.  "The roast still isn't   604-885-0541
        some potatoes.                       cooked."
           Minutes later he called back.        "Listen," I said. "I know the oven's
        "Mom, the roast isn't cooked. The    on. I turned it on before I left. I
        oven didn't come on."                didn't use the timer."
           The roast was on the menu again      "Oh, the stove's working fine," he
        the following day, but this time,    told me. "It's just that the roast is
        since I stopped by the house after a   still in the refrigerator."

        Visiting animal shelter

           My group was touring the local       He looked at me thoughtfully,
        animal shelter, oohing and aahing    then replied, "Yes, but I don't
        over the lost-and-waiting-to-be-     understand ... how can anyone lose
        adopted animals. One of my boys      a fish?"
        was gazing intently at an elaborate
        aquarium full of different species of   Scan the code to
        fish. "They're beautiful, aren't they,"    read online!
        I commented.

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