Page 4 - August 17 2017
P. 4

Google Analytics                            Page 4                                                                             Good Morning, Sunshine!
                                                              Thursday, August 17, 2017
                                             The Blarney Stone

                                                A group of Americans was touring   today and so no one will be able to                                                                                                                                                     touch icon code
                                             Ireland.  One of the women in the     kiss it.  Perhaps we can come back
                                             group was constantly complaining.     tomorrow."
                                                The bus seats are uncomfortable.      "We can't be here tomorrow," the
                                             The food is terrible.  It's too hot.  It's   nasty woman shouted.  "We have
                                             too cold.  The accommodations are     some other boring tour to go on.  So
                                             awful.                                I guess we can't kiss the stupid
 Tap the sun to visit                         The group arrived at the site of   stone."                                                                                                                                                                           Tap the sun to visit
                                             the famous Blarney Stone. "Good          "Well now," the guide replied, "it                                                                                                                                
                                             luck will be followin' ya all your days   is said that if you kiss someone who
 use for online version                      if you kiss the Blarney Stone," the   has kissed the stone, you'll have the                                                                                                                                               use for online version
                                             guide said.                           same good fortune."
                                                 "Unfortunately, it's being cleaned   "And I suppose you've kissed the
                                                                                   stone," the woman scoffed.
 Scan the code to                                                                     "No, ma'am," the frustrated guide                                                                                                                                             Scan the code to
 read online!                                                                      said, "but I've sat on it."                                                                                                                                                        read online!

 use for print version
                                               Solution from puzzle on page 2                                                                                                                                                                                            use for print version
                                                                                   cannot swim

                                                                                      Because I couldn't unplug the
                                                                                   toilet with a plunger, I had to dis-
                                                                                   mantle the entire fixture.  That's no
                                                                                   small feat for a non-plumber.
                                                                                      Jammed inside the drain was a
                                                                                   purple rubber dinosaur, which
                                                                                   belonged to my five-year-old son.
                                                                                      I painstakingly got all the toilet
                                                                                   parts together again, the tank filled,
                                                                                   and I flushed it.  However, it didn't
                                                                                   work much better than before!  As I
                                             Sliding scale                         pondered what to do next, my son
                                                                                   walked into the bathroom.
                                                                                      I pointed to the purple dinosaur I

                                                Contrary to popular belief, most   had just dislodged and told him that
                                             blondes do indeed know the value      the toilet still wasn't working.
                                             of a dollar.                             "Did you get the green one, too"?
                                                The other day a blonde from        he asked.
                                             Gibsons had her car break down.       Manhole covers
                                                The tow truck driver charged her      Why is it better to have round
                                             $95.00 to take the car to the garage  manhole covers than square ones?
                                             less than 10 miles away.                 A square manhole cover can be
                                                When she told her husband that     turned and dropped down the
                                             evening, he said that the driver had  diagonal of the manhole. A round
                                             taken advantage of her.               manhole cannot be dropped down
                                                She said, "I thought so. But I     the manhole. So for safety and
                                             made him earn it. I kept the brakes   practicality, all manhole covers
                                             on all the way."                      should be round.

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