P. 15
Did I hear you call dad, that sounded like our voice in song in the wind. Wait a minute, I can
sense your presence of worship in the air. Yes, at times I look around again, I thought you saw
you, my dad that made my heart beat with unbridled anticipation. I can feel you all around me. I
won’t shake it, for I know it’s you dad, cause I’m your creation. At night when I pray, I feel your
aura cloaking me like a blanket, so gentle, yet strong. Filling me with an excitement that
Webster has yet to define, reminding me, reassuring me that I will see you again, just hold on to
God’s unchanging hand.
In the times when I feel that no one’s thinking about or praying for me, I’ll remember to look up
at the sun by day and the moon by night and know that I am your son and you are forever
watching over me. Though so seemingly broken or misunderstood to others, you accepted me
for the crazy purple athletic artist child I was, knowing that God was in control. Even when you
didn’t understand why, you would forgive me, your prayers kept me, healed me…saved me. As I
did CPR on you, 30 minutes, pumping your frilled body, only sadly realizing that I was trying to
breath my breath into you, but God had already taken His breathe away, it was time to go home.
So dad, when the clouds obstruct the sun by day or the moon hides in the black of night, I will
draw from the well that you once deposited in my heart and smile. Because I know that I’m still
your Boo and you are my unseen angel, watching over, protecting and loving me still as I in
continuous restless abandon forever keep loving you. I pray that one day if I may only fill a
mustard seed of the monumental legacy you have for me, I would be eternally blessed. For now
I say so long, and sing along with the heavenly choir, you no longer have to reach for the solo of
a star because Heaven has made the universe your orchestral playground.
Love you dad, miss you already but you are forever with me and we will meet again……
Your Boo. Nardo
Brenda, Larry, Laron, Michelle & Oliva Yancey –Oxford N. C.
We were so thankful to have DAD in our lives and he was a
second DAD to us always in Oxford N.C. for twenty years.
Our hearts are broken and most of all sad that we can't be there.
We love You'll so much and we loved DAD. Iris, we love you so
much and we are praying for our second family.
We Love You!