Page 2 - TheScoutBahamasBylaws.cdr
P. 2
Article 1 Authority
These Bylaws of The Scout Association of The Bahamas and are created
pursuant to Section 7 of The Scout Association of The Bahamas Act, 1975.
These Bylaws were approved at a meeting of the National Scout Council
held on 19 March, 2014.
The jurisdiction of The Scout Association of The Bahamas shall be over
those territories comprising the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, for the
purpose of areas service and administration. The Associations territory may
be divided geographically into such districts as the National Executive
Committee from time to time determines.
Article 2 Nation Scout Council
Section 1
Members of the National Scout Council
The membership of the National Scout Council shall be composed of active
members and may include associate members and honorary members.
The National Scout Council shall not have fewer than 30 active
The active members of the Nation Scout Council may elect as
members other at large persons chosen from various businesses, civic,
educational, labor, professional, social, and religious interests of the
communities in The Bahamas.
Section 2
Election and terms
1 All elected and registered members of The Scout Association
of The Bahamas shall be active members of the National
Scout Council.