Page 7 - TheScoutBahamasBylaws.cdr
P. 7

Article 5 Officers and National Scout Council Members

                     Section 1 Officers, Elections and Appointments

                     The officers of the National Executive Committee shall be the President, 3

                     Vice Presidents, Chief Scout, Chief Commissioner, Treasurer, Secretary and

                     if in office the National Executive Commissioner without vote. The officers,
                     with the exception of the Chief Commissioner shall be elected from active
                     membership of the National Scout Council at the AGM and shall take office
                     immediately following such meeting, and shall hold office until the

                     conclusion of their service or until a successors are elected. Vacancies in

                     these offices occurring between AGM meetings of the National Scout
                     Council may be filled by the National Executive Committee.

                     Section 2 President

                     The President shall be elected for the term of 3yrs and shall serve as
                     chairman of meetings of the National Scout Council and the National
                     Executive Committee and shall be ex-officio of all committees of the
                     National Executive Committee and shall perform such functions as herein
                     provided or as assigned by the National Executive Committee.

                     Section 3 Vice Presidents

                     The Vice Presidents shall be elected for the term of 3 years   shall perform

                     such functions as may be assigned to them by the National Executive
                     Committee. In case of the President’s inability or failure to make such
                     designation, the National Executive Committee may designate one of the

                     Vice Presidents to serve during the President’s absence or inability to serve.

                     Section 4 Chief Scout

                     The Chief Scout shall be elected by the National Scout Council for a term of

                     Office for 3 years to foster and encourage The Scout Association of The

                     Bahamas to seek and gain the highest standard of Scouting throughout the

                     Association in all respects.

                     Section 5 Treasurer

                     The Treasurer shall be responsible through methods of internal control, for

                     the recording and deposit of all receipts of The Scout Association of The
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