Page 8 - TheScoutBahamasBylaws.cdr
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Bahamas for the disbursement of its cash and accounting for all property of
The Scout Association of The Bahamas, whether real or personal, tangible or
intangible, however acquired. The Treasurer shall present annually to the
National Scout Council a statement of all income and expenses during the
prior year, together with a statement of all assets, liabilities, and fund
balances of The Scout Association of The Bahamas as at the end of the
Scout year. The Treasurer shall present interim reports to the National
Executive Committee at its meetings.
Section 6 Chief Commissioner
The Chief Commissioner is appointed by the Chief Scout with the
agreement of the National Executive Committee for a period of 3 years.
The functions of the Chief Commissioner shall be:
1. To supervise generally the executions of the directives and decisions
of the National Executive Committee.
2 To supervise the activities of the Commissioner staff and to preside at
all meetings of Commissioners and Leaders.
3 Give leadership to the recruiting and training of adequate leaders so as
to provide continuing and effective service to the groups
4 Maintain standards of The Scout Association of The Bahamas
uphold the national policies, promote good informing, and the correct
wearing of insignia.
5 To supervise the issue of warrants to all register leaders of the
6 Be concerned with the proper recognition of all leaders and the
maintenance of their moral, and report group conditions to the
National Executive Committee.
7 To withdraw or suspend the registration of any Commissioner or
leader, of any Group, providing that he shall bring such action to the
notice of the National Executive Committee at its next meeting.
Article 6 National Scout Executive and Professional Staff
Section 1
A National Scout Executive may be appointed by the Chief Commissioner
with the agreement of the National Executive Committee to
1 Assist the Chief Commissioner in the performance of his duties.