Page 6 - TheScoutBahamasBylaws.cdr
P. 6

Association of The Bahamas, in an advisory or consulting capacity or such
                      other persons who, being unable to devote time to Scouting on a regular

                      basis, wish to serve Scouting upon assignment.

                      Membership on the advisory council requires a two thirds vote of members

                      of the National Executive Committee present at any meeting.

                      Members of the advisory council shall be entitled to receive notice of and

                      attend all meetings of the National Executive Committee but shall have no


                      Article 4 Committees of the National Executive Committees

                      Section 1

                      There shall be a National Executive Committee consisting of persons and

                      having the power specified in section 2 of these Bylaws, in addition subject

                      to provisions of section 3 of these Bylaws, the National Executive
                      Committee shall have committees each of which shall have powers and
                      responsibilities as may be fixed by resolution of the National Executive

                      Committee. All actions of the committees shall be subject to the approval of
                      the Nation Executive Committee.

                      Section 2 Committees

                      The committees of the National Executive Committee shall be responsible

                      for the development and effectiveness of program and policies of The Scout
                      Association of The Bahamas in accordance with the standards and

                      requirements as established by The Scout Association of The Bahamas.

                      The committees shall function throughout the year, meeting as often as may

                      be necessary in the judgment of the committee chairman, President, or Chief


                      The committees shall be guided by the program material and manuals made

                      available by the National Office of The Scout Association of The Bahamas

                      and shall make recommendations in light of their experience and knowledge

                      of nation conditions.

                      The committees shall perform the tasks organized under four functions,

                      membership, relations, finance, program, and service. Other committees may
                      be formed to handle special functions.
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