Page 3 - TheScoutBahamasBylaws.cdr
P. 3
2 All nominated members shall be elected by the Council at its
AGM and shall take office immediately following such
meeting until the next AGM.
3 A vacancy in the active membership of the National Scout
Council caused by death, resignation or removal may be filled
by the National Executive Committee.
Section 3
Meetings, Quorum, Voting
Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the National Scout Council shall be held at such a
place within The Scout Association of The Bahamas territory, or on property
that is owned or leased by The Scout Association of The Bahamas or at such
times as the National Executive Committee may determine.
The Annual Meeting of the National Scout Council shall be for the purpose
of receiving reports of the National Executive Committee, officers and
various committees. The election of members to the council and election of
officers, members of the National Executive Committee and receiving and
approving of financial statements showing the financial position of The
Scout Association of The Bahamas at the close of its fiscal year and
transacting such business as may come before the meeting.
A quorum for the National Scout Council shall be one-third of the active
members of council.
Other Regular Meetings
In addition to the Annual meeting, the National Scout Council may have
such other regular meetings as may be established by resolution of the
National Executive Committee. Special meetings of the National Scout
Council may be called by the President or the National Executive Committee
or by a request made in writing by 12 members of the Council.
All active members, elected members of the National Scout Council present
at a national meeting shall be entitle to vote by a show of hands. Except in
the case of elections where voting shall be by ballot