Page 178 - DanielsMarzanoEvidence2020
P. 178

                                                                  Essential Staff

         End of Year              K-4 students and all 1          Daniels & ILT        On Going
         Conferences              Year students will              Team &
                                  receive an appointment          Teachers
                                  for End of year
                                  conferences. Priority
                                  will be given to students
                                  that are on probation or
                                  failed to maintain
                                  specialty school
                                  Principal and ILT will          Daniels and          Finalized by first
         Revise Student           revise student-parent           ILT Team             week of May 2020
         Parent                   handbook to include
         Handbook                 expectations and
                                  updates for the
                                  Leadership Academy

         ILT Self-                Principal will create and  Daniels                   Self-Assessment Due
         Assessment and           send out and self                                    Monday 4/27/2020
         Teacher Surveys          assessment to current                                Staff survey due
                                  and past ILT members of                              April 30, 2020
                                  2019-2020 to identity
                                  effectiveness and areas                              Data Reviewed at
                                  of improvement                                       May meeting
               Data Shared

               iReady Usage Report – Teachers should reiterate to students to monitor their usage
               by clicking “My Progress” and focus on passing the lessons.

               April 2020.   Week 1                Week 2           Week 3        Week 4.     Week 5
               Math           84% usage            89% usage   88% usage   92% usage 88% usage
               Reading        86% usage            87% usage   88% usage   85% usage 92% usage

               School-Wide Meeting Forms       ©2019 LaTausha Daniels Ed.S. NBCT           Effective 2019-2020
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