Page 177 - DanielsMarzanoEvidence2020
P. 177

Princeton Alternative Elementary School

               School-Wide Instructional Meeting Protocol

                           ILT Meeting Agenda & Minutes

         Date               5/6/2020                     Time          9:00AM

         Agenda &               o Wellness Checks Report
         Purpose of             o ILT Self-Assessment Review
         Meeting                o Observation & Feedback Survey

                                o iReady Report
                                o 2020-2021 Student Parent Handbook
                                o Other: _________________________________

                                o Other: _________________________________

         Attendees                              Signature              Role
         La’Tausha Daniels-Principal            Present via Zoom Facilitator

         Ebony Porter                           Present via Zoom Time Keeper/Reporter
         Deborah Givens                         Present via Zoom Recorder/Reporter
         Jonette Scott                          Present via Zoom Participant/Reporter
         Terrica Mack                           Present via Zoom Participant/Reporter
         Valencia Jacobs                        Present via Zoom Participant/Reporter
         Tasheta Holmes                         Present via Zoom Participant/Reporter
                                                Present via Zoom Observe/Feedback

                                                Present via Zoom Observe/Feedback
                                  What action steps will Grade level members take in response to
              Action              this meeting?

               Steps              What will happen?               Who is               By When?
                                                                  ILT Team             Weekly
         Wellness Checks          Each ILT member will            Givens- K-2
                                  contact employees in            Mack- 3/5
                                  their department and            Math
                                  conduct a wellness              Scott- 3/5 ELA
                                  check.                          Porter- PTA
                                                                  Jacobs- Coach
                                                                  & Specialty

               School-Wide Meeting Forms       ©2019 LaTausha Daniels Ed.S. NBCT           Effective 2019-2020
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