Page 91 - DanielsMarzanoEvidence2020
P. 91

What is your plan for how students will receive devices if they need them?
                           How will you support teacher teams with planning instruction?
                           How will you monitor student participation and student work completion?

                                    What is your plan for how students will receive their work?
                  Students will receive Teacher-Led Blended Instruction
                  Assignments will be posted in Schoology and Class Dojo
                  Assignment credit will be earned through submission in Schoology, Chalkable, Class Dojo, Email, or any other
                 means within reason arranged by the teacher and parent.
                  Assignment credit will be posted in Chalkable weekly according to BCS district guidelines.

                                   What platform will your teachers use to present instruction?
                  Students in grades K-5 will receive direct instruction via Zoom.
                  Enrichment activities will be completed via iReady Reading and Math.
                  Printed assignments will be available by request only.

                             What is your plan for how students will receive devices if they need them?
                  Currently, Princeton Elementary School does not have the inventory to supply devices to students.
                  If a device is requested by a parent, PAES teachers will provide a printed assignment for the student.

                                  How will you support teacher teams with planning instruction?
                  Princeton Elementary Faculty will engage in weekly PLC’s on Fridays at 9:00am.
                  Princeton Instructional Leaders will engage with grade level teachers during weekly wellness checks.
                  Technology coordinator will attend all district tech meetings for teachers and conduct turn-around trainings
                 on Fridays.
                  Ms. Stewart has been selected as the Tech Coordinator Assistant and will be assigned to participate in
                 trainings and assist with trouble shooting and turn-around training for K-2.

                             How will you monitor student participation and student work completion?
                  Student participation will be monitored daily. Teachers will track participation through Direct instruction
                 participants, iReady data, and assignment submission in Schoology.
                  Princeton Instructional Leader will monitor student learning and teacher instruction by joining the Direct
                 Zoom instruction sessions, monitoring iReady data, assignment submission in Schoology, and teacher weekly
                 communication logs and lesson plans.
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