Page 7 - Microsoft Word - Jenni.docx
P. 7
Shorthand Guide to Loving Jenni
1. She goes out late. It is who she is. Accept it. Don’t complain about it. And be fucking grateful that she crawls into your bed at the end of the night.
2. Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink and please for God’s sake, don’t change her recycling and compost system.J
3. Overemphasize how happy you are that she has so many friends and that you know how important friends are to her.
4. When she is PMSing, do not try to bring up huge topics. She has a particularly brutal PMS with a lot of pain. Not only does this impact her mood, but it also impacts her energy, and sex drive. This is another wound of hers tied to not being enough or that something is wrong with her....It will go a long way if you support her as much as possible by letting her know you don’t want to put any pressure on her. Emphasize and reemphasize that you are not pressuring her for sex.
5. Turn the hallway light off if you are the last one in the hallway at the end of the night.
6. Ask a question and PAUSE! Before asking a second question so she can answer each damn question!
7. No conflict on Text, MP, and after 9pm
8. She isn’t always 100% in the morning and she needs to eat pretty quickly after
she gets up – it is to your benefit to make sure she is fed ASAP. This is true for the
rest of the day as wellJ
9. Her parents take 20+ minutes to say goodbye so if you are hungry, start cooking
even if parents are still visiting.
10.Don’t make comments about people not knowing where MKE is or having no clue
about Lake Michigan. It doesn’t get you where you want to go...
11.Oh, this is an important one. Don’t try to organize your conversations unless it is
a conflict convo (where I would strongly advice creating “conflict convo guidelines”) because it will feel controlling and too much like an RJ circle. Be aware that Jenni isn’t found of the question, “Is there anything else you would like to share?”
12.She doesn’t have time to smile at you all day long. When she is stressed or focused, she needs to be able to move about without worrying that her focus is