Page 131 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 131

This double sweetmeat dish takes the form of two large polished mother of pearl dishes that form the wings to
            the naturalistic silver central mount that takes the form of the butterfly’s body with the addition of a handle.

                                                                           This item carries the AH 800 mark only.
                                                                           While the dish is more in keeping with
                                                                           the  style  of  Chinese  Export  Silver,  no
                                                                           Chi  Cheong  mark  is  apparent,  yet  the
                                                                           dish is clearly not Yogya style either.

                                                                           The  conundrum  of  AH  is  still

            Images courtesy of Lyon & Turnbull, Edinburgh & Glasgow, UK

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