Page 404 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 404
This historic Khe Cheong 22 carat gold
box carries an inscription dated 1857 and
is in the high Chinese style.
It was presented by Sir Charles Forbes of
the China Trade merchant company
Forbes & Company at the Braemar
Gathering in Scotland to Peter MacLugan
from the officers and men of the Lanark
The box became the property of Robert
Hunt of Salem, Massachusetts, partner in
Thos. Hunt & Co with Sir Charles Forbes.
[Below} A letter dated 1850 from
Whampoa to Canton stamped by Thos.
Hunt - forwarding agent in Whampoa
Ima g e s co u rte sy o f A& J
Speelman, London; Ralph M
Chait Galleries, New York;
Dynasty Auctions Company Ltd,
Hong Kong
Image Library Archive