Page 406 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 406

The Kielrulff Department Store in Peking circa 1900

                                                                                In  the  latter  part  of  the  19th
                                                                                century,  Tientsin  had  some  37
                                                                                German retailers operating in the
                                                                                city  -  Tientsin  having  its  own
                                                                                German  concession  area  within
                                                                                the  treaty  port  status.  They
                                                                                almost  all  traded  in  luxury
                                                                                commodities,  many  acting  as
                                                                                conduits  for  reverse  export  of
                                                                                Chinese  goods  [including  silver
                                                                                items]  to  Germany.    It  would  be
                                                                                reasonable  to  assume  a
                                                                                significant  amount  of  Chinese
                                                                                Export  Silver  was  exported  to
                                                                                German       or    German
                                                                                dependencies  in  the  15  years
                                                                                leading up to the 1st World War.

                                                                                [Left] Letter from Kierulff Tientsin
                                                                                to Germany - 1899

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