Page 411 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 411
The suite of silver [above] is remarkably unusual. While it carries
the Hung Chong retail silversmith marks, it has the Kun He
artisan marks alongside. Overall, it is a piece of creative genius;
not only is the level of workmanship superlative but given this
probably dates to circa 1895, it has managed to capture the style
and feel of the “arts & crafts” movements that were prevalent in
Britain and America. viewing this as a complete set could be
likened to a Breughel painting - the more one looks at it, the more
one discovers new focuses of sheer brilliance.
The chrysanthemum leaves on the tray handles and the base of
the teapot spout have been treated as acanthus would normally
within a contrived decorative motif.