Page 541 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 541
MARGRETT [AKA: F W Margrett & Co]
Tewkesbury House, 179-181 New Road, Bangkok & Singapore
circa 1924-1946
Frank Weaver Margrett set up his own company in 1924, having
been active in Bangkok towards the end of the 19th century
representing Samuel Smith & Co. His mark is here because
silver was often commissioned from Chinese silversmiths
operating in Bangkok that was identical in style to Chinese
Export Silver. Such silver has appeared in auctions in the UK
described as Chinese Export Silver. Sometimes it is partially
Chinese in appearance, more often than not, though it was
Siamese Niello-wares
Frank Margrett was a character of some note in Bangkok at the
beginning of the 20th century and was proclaimed a hero for
allegedly bringing about the arrest and subsequent trial of
criminals implicated in the theft of a pearl necklace and other
jewellery ordered by the Queen of Siam from Samuel Smith and
Company, Trafalgar Square, London