Page 621 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 621
The pair of menu holders is quite typical of the smaller
Sammy item. Quite good quality but quite commercial-
Small pin dishes set with silver Chinese coins were
very common during the Republic period. The dish
[left] dates to the early ‘30s and is set with a Kwang-
tung 1 Mace and 4.4 Candareen coin.
The cocktail shaker [right] is highly unusual inasmuch
as it has no decoration whatsoever; it is probably
unique simply for that fact. Nevertheless, it is of a much
higher quality than
most items that bear
the Sammy mark. It
also indicates that it
is highly likely
Sammy had a wider
drinks-related range
of items - cocktail
shakers were very
popular in the ‘20s
to 40’s in Hong
K o n g . L e f t i s a
caged bitters bottle,
below a tall
reticulated bottle or
syphon coaster.