Page 622 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 622
The Sammy coffee set [above] is probably the finest example of Sammy-branded silver that has appeared. It
dates to circa 1925-30 and is obviously influenced by the Art Deco style.
The novelty rickshaw condiment set was a popular items in many of the retail silversmiths’ repertoire, but this
example carrying the Sammy mark is particularly interesting. This condiment set is very similar to others
bearing other retail marks, but unlike other retail silversmiths, Sammy items never carried an artisan maker’s
mark, which is very unusual. Even Sincere & Co and Wing On, large department stores, carried artisan marks.
One might reasonably assume, therefore that Sammy might well have had lots own workshops.
Images courtesy of A.C.Silver, Newcastle, UK; Daniel Bexfield Antiques, London; WorthPoint; Image Library Archive