Page 662 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 662
This beautifully crafted lidded entree dish is a quite extraordinary example of a Chinese silversmith’s work. Not
only is it immaculately made but it manifests no clue that a Chinese silversmith ever made it. Apart from the
form the piece takes, the only decorative motif is a continuous linked chain border, which is probably unique in
any Chinese silver item. Other Siu Kee items are known to include this decorative element. The combined
weight of the dish and its lid is just shy of 2000gm.
Yet Siu Kee is just as comfortable creating small items such as the cake slice and pastry tongs [above] and it
lavishes the same degree of quality into such items. This would indicate that Siu Kee had a reputation as a
house of quality.