Page 661 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 661

            Hong Kong
            circa 1900-1940

            Siu Kee was a high quality retail silversmith that appears to have specialised particularly in table and tea wares.
            A  suitable  European  comparable  company  might  be  Mappin  &  Webb  -  it  is  that  same  combination  of  good
            quality and commerciality which best describes Siu Kee.

            It is not yet known where exactly Siu Kee operated from in Hong Kong and research is on-going in order to
            discover more of the as yet unsolved secrets of this company. While many of Siu Kee items have no definitively
            Chinese  characteristics,  because  of  the  obvious  quality,  they  tend  to  achieve  quite  high  hammer  values  at
            auction. Siu Kee also seems to have produced large-sized items such as platter and trays.

            The six-piece tea and coffee service complete with large tray dated to circa 1930s is typical of the larger pieces
            that carry the Siu Kee mark.
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