Page 749 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 749
The reality is that Tu Mao Xing is one of the best 19th century Chinese Export Silver names. Tu Mao Xing
specialised in a very definitive style; best described as “high Victorian in the Chinese style”, it is almost always
intricately decorated. Tu Mao Xing is often regarded as the best 19th century creator of silver Chinese dragons
and is the quintessential Victorian Chinese silversmith, if there ever was such a breed.
In the same manner as Wang Hing & Co, Tu Mao Xing wielded an extreme degree of design and quality control
over its artisan workshops. It is also clear that Tu Qing Yun is a later branch of Tu Mao Xing, probably a son or
relative and a common occurrence. It is also clear the same control over style and quality of silver at Tu Qing
Yun was probably exercised from the mother ship at Tu Mao Xing.