Page 744 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 744
Of the same period, this is a slightly different version of the same set - more round in form and with the ivory
insulators removed from the handle, which indicates this might have been a slightly less expensive set at the
time of making. The overall quality, of workmanship and gauge of silver however is the same.
Surprising as it is that silver from this department
store is not more widely seen, the items that have
been recorded to date fall into a small number of
categories, with the tea set being the most
frequently seen. Tea caddies and a somewhat
ubiquitous souvenir item that was prevalent at
the time - a pin dish [or ashtray if you will] set
with a Republic Sun Yat Sen silver coin - but
relatively high quality compared to the many
other versions that were produced.
Images courtesy of Christie’s, South Kensington, UK;
Cheffins, Cambridge, UK; Image Library Archive