Page 740 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 740
Tien Shing created another stir with what is
probably one of the most unusual reticulated
bowls in the Chinese Export Silver
repertoire. In fact, the fretwork is so fine and
open that it is probably more correct to
regard this as a silver caged glass bowl. The
reticulated outer cagework has no rim and
gives the bowl a lighter feel that other
reticulated bowls have. The bamboo frond
skirt forming the base is unusual.
Equally unusual in
the Chinese Export
Silver repertoire is
the teapot and cream
jug [below]; they are
miniature pieces
made for a doll’s
house and actually
carry full Tien Shing
silver marks.
The signature bamboo spout is
used again in the circa 1890 Tien
Shing teapot [below] - the
perspective achieved in the
multi-level raised work traditional
scene demonstrates perfectly the
affinity Tien Shing had with
making tea pots of distinction.
This is a tea pot of outstanding
Images courtesy of
D r e w e a t t s &
Bloomsbury Auctions,
UK; George Kidner,
Ly m i n g t o n , U K ;
Fellows Auctioneers,
L o n d o n &
Birmingham, UK;
Nirvana Oriental
Antiques, London Image Library Archive