Page 768 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 768

Again in the Art Deco style, this superbly crafted and conceived reticulated chrysanthemum bon bon dish is an
            absolute masterpiece. Chinese Export Silver engendered so much high quality Art Deco items, yet it is a fact
            that has never really been recognised by both silver and Art Deco aficionados; a fact that is lamentable.

                                                 One  cannot  speak  of  Shanghai  and  the  Art  Deco  style  without
                                                 touching upon the ubiquitous cocktail shaker. The example [left]
                                                 is  pure  Deco  and  devoid  of  all  decoration.  The  finely  planished
                                                 finish is 100% in keeping with the style and enhances the fact this
                                                 is a pure piece.
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