Page 883 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 883
Yet another superb example of Wong Shing’s
genius at work in the shape of the Chinese
Export Silver claret ewer covered with fruiting
vine and using the twisted stem of the vine as
a handle which attaches itself to the body of
the ewer with vine leaves.
The ewer carries the inscription:
Hong Kong Regatta
October 1850
Trail Race Two pairs Skulls
Mr Clarkes E’ungo Bragh
pulled by
J.S.P. Clarke & J.R.Lugg
According to the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club,
at some date after 1849 a group of oarsmen in
Hong Kong formed themselves into a club
known as the 'Hong Kong Boat Club' with a
flag in reverse colours to that of the extant
'Victoria Regatta Club'. Rowing historians in
the Colony seem to agree they were an "active
and progressive club" with North Point as a
headquarters. It is likely rowing events here
constituted the first organised water sport in
Hong Kong, therefore this wine ewer may be
one of the first watersport trophies awarded in
the entire Far East.
It is particularly interesting that a Hong Kong club commissioned a Canton
silversmith to make this ewer, given Wang Hing and other Chinese retail
silversmiths were already established on the island and servicing the
burgeoning colonial clubs.
This rose water sprinkler is dated circa 1825 and although a somewhat
incongruous mix of an Eastern ceremonial object being rendered totally in
the neo-classical style, it successfully retains its identity without
compromising the classic Western style.
Wong Shing repeats a
m a s t e r y o f t h e n e o -
classical fluted form in the
following example of a
circa 1830 mustard pot.