Page 933 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 933
YI TAI [aka: T.Y.T.]
Xi’an [Shaanxi Province], North West China
circa 1890-1925
North West China was ceded to the Russian Empire as a result of the Treaty of St Petersburg [1881].
Yi Tai was known for manufacturing small high
quality items and jewellery. So far, research has
revealed only this one silversmith operating in
Xi’an and it is still unclear whether Yi Tai was
just manufacturing or whether it was also a retail
Not only is Yi Tai the only silversmith discovered
to date, but this matchbox slip cover with central
framed foliate and floral motif in heavy repoussé
work featuring a central chrysanthemum flower.
However, it is believed there was a pewtersmith
by the name of Yi Tai and research is now
investigating whether there was a connection.
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