Page 993 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 993

Chinese Alcohol Culture; Du,J, 1992

            Chinese Art; Patricia Bjaaland Welch, 2008

            Chinese Ethnic Silver; Mirella Moracchini

            Chinese Export Art in the Eighteenth Century; Margaret Jourdain & R Soame Jenyns, 1967

            Chinese Export Silver – A Legacy of Luxury; H A Crosby Forbes [1984] Chinese Export Silver 1785-1885;
            Forbes, Kernan & Wilkins, 1975

            Chinese Export Silver, Dale E Bennett

            Chinese Export Silver: A Survey of Chinese Export Silver with a Catalogue of an Exhibition at the Galleries of
            John Sparks: Alan James Marlowe

            Chinese Export Silver; Sarah Randt, 1997
            Chinese Export Silver; Stephen J Chait, 2009

            Chinese Export Silver – The David Chan Collection; Yvonne Tan, 2005
            Chinoiserie: The Vision of Cathay; Hugh Honour, John Murray Publishers, 1961

            Chronicle of the Hong merchants in Canton during Qing dynasty /
            Qing dai Guangzhou shi san hang ji lüe = Chronicle of the Hong merchants in Canton during Qing dynasty":
            Li, G., & Lin, W. (2006)  Li, Guorong, and Weisen Lin.

            Chronicle Directory for China, Japan and the Philippies - Treaty Ports; China Mail, 1886
            Collecting Asian Silver, Peter Kaellgren
            Customs & Conditions of Chinese Streets in the 19  Century; Shijian Huang and William Sargent, 1999

            For All the Tewa in China, Sarah Rose, Penguin, 2011

            Foreign Devils on the Silk Road, Peter Hopkirk, John Murray Publishers, 2006

            Foreign Mud – An Account of the Opium War; Maurice Collis [1946] Jews in Old China; Translated by Sidney
            Shapiro, 1984

            Fourteen Months in China, Mrs Gray, 1880

            Goodbye to Old Peking, Ohio University Press, 1998

            Guangdong Shisan Hang Kao [Guangzhou, Guangdong renmin chubanshe 1999]: Jiabin Liang

            Heaven is High, the Emperor Far Away - Merchants and Mandarins in Old Canton: Valerie M Garrett

            Hong Kong and Canton; A Part of Underwood and Underwood’s Stereoscopic Tour Through China: James

            Hong Kong Almanac & Directory; William Tarrant, 1848

            Hong Kong Almanac and Directory; [1858 & 1859]

            Hong Kong Directory, 1846

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