Page 994 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 994
Inside Canton, Dr Melchior Yvan, 1858
Journal and Letters of Edward King, 1835-1844: Ethel King Russell
Letters from China: The Canton-Boston Correspondence of Robert Bennet Forbes 1838-1840: Phyllis
Forbes Kerr ed. [Mystic Seaport Museum]
Liverpool China Traders: Christina Baird
Mind to Meme - Uncovering the Origins of Shared Consciousness Between Judaism and Tibetan Buddhism;
Gilah Yelin Hirsch [2004]
Old Shanghai - Gangsters in Paradise; Lynn Pan, Marshall Cavendish, 1984
th th
Oriental Silver Filigree of the 17 & 18 Centuries in The Hermitage Collection; Maria Menshikova [2005]
Oriental Silverware - Malay and Chinese; H. Ling Roth, 1910
Otter Skins, Boston Ships, and China Goods, James R Gibson, 1992
Outlines of Chinese Symbolism & Art Motives; C S Williams, 1976
Paktong – The Chinese Alloy in Europe 1680-1820; Keith Pinn, 1999
Papers Relating to the Riot at Canton in July 1846: British Foreign Office [London: T R Harrison 1847]
Punch Magazine Archive
Robert Hart and China’s Early Modernisation, Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard
Royal Goldsmiths, The Art of Rundell and Bridge,
Seaports of the Far East - Historical and Descriptive, Commercial and Industrial Facts, Figures & Resources;
Anonymous [1907]
Shanghae Almanac & Miscellany [1851 & 1852]
Silver Magazine: July/August 2004 issue – Chinese Export Silver Pseudo Hallmarks 1785-1857; Les Page /
A Century of Straits Chinese Silver [1835- 1935]; Les Page, L E A Daniel, Steve Potash
Silver of Tiffany and Co., 1850-1987 : Charles H. Carpenter
Silver and Carving of the Old China Trade: Neville John Irons [SOCT]
Silver Wonders from the East – Filigree of the Tsars, Hermitage Amsterdam; Maria Menshikova [2006]
The Canton Chinese or The American’s Sojourn in The Celestial Empire; Osmond Tiffany Jnr [British Library
reprint of 1849 original]
The Canton Directory, J G Kerr, 1973
The Canton Letters 1839-41, William Henry Low, [introduction by Jane Duncan Phillips] 1948
The Chait Collection of Chinese Export Silver; John Devereux Kernan/Lory Frankel, 1985
The China Magazine [December 1868]
The Chinese Repository
The Chinese Commercial Guide, 5th Edition, S Wells Williams, 1863