Page 992 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 992
All About Shanghai; J.J. Lethbridge [1934-35]
An Account of a Visit to the Jews of Kaifeng, 1851
An Authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China, 2 Vols, G Nicol,
A Catalogue of Chinese Export Paintings, Furniture, Silver and Other Objects 1785-1865; Carl S Grossman
A Century of Straits Chinese Silver 1835-1935, Les Page, Daniel Lea & Steve Potash
A Fine Project; Historic New England Houses: Alan Emmet
A History of Art in Early 20th Century China: Lu Peng translated by Bruce Gordon Doar
An Illustrated History of the China Trade and the Opium Wars; William P Lytnski
An Introduction to Chinese Silver; Alexis Butcher, 2012
A Reminiscence of Canton, Peter George Laurie, 1866
Asian and Japanese Influence on American Silver; Jacqueline Wen
A Seller of Singsongs, Journal of Oriental Studies 6, University of Hong Kong, [1961-4]
A Tale of Three Cities; Canton, Shanghai & Hong Kong, David S Howard, 1997
A Voyage to China: Pehr Osbeck
A Year in China, Mrs H Dwight Williams [Martha Noyes], 1864
Bits of Old China; William Hunter
British Trade and the Opening of China 1800-1842: Michael Greenberg, 1969
Bryanty Parrott Tilden of Salem at a Chinese Dinner Party, Canton, 1819: Col. Lawrence Waters Jenkins
[Princeton University Press for The Newcomen Society]
Carving of the Old China Trade, Silver of the Old China Trade, Neville Irons
Catalogue of Plate Belonging to the Duke of Portland, KG, GCVO, at Welbeck Abbey, London, 1935. Jones,
China Its State and Prospects; W.H.Medhurst, Elibron Classics, 2005
China Trade and Empire: Jardine Matheson & Co
China Directory; China Mail, 1860
China’s Treaty Ports; Half Love Half Hate: Chris Elder Ed.