Page 995 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 995
The Clive Collection at Powis Castle, The National Trust, 1987.
The Decorative Arts of The China Trade; Carl S Grossman, 1991
The Hong Kong Mail Archive
The Hong Merchants of Canton, Cheong Weng Eang, 1997
The “Fan Kwae” at Canton Before Treaty Days, 1825-1824: William C Hunter
The Fan-Qui in China, in 1836-7; Volumes 1-3, Charles Toogood Downing, 1838
The Fan-qui, or Foreigner in China: Downing
The Golden Age of the China Trade, B Johanssen, Ed
The Gold and Silver of Windsor Castle; Edward Alfred Jones, 1911
The Golden Ghetto: American Commercial Community at Canton and the Shaping
of American China Policy, 1784-1844: Jacques M Downes
The Hong Merchants of Canton Chinese Merchants in Sino-Western Trade, 1684-1798: W E Cheong
The Jews of Kaifeng: Xin Xu
The Jewish Communities of India: Identity in a Colonial Era; Joan G Roland
The Kaifeng Stone Inscriptions; Tiberiu Weisz
The Kinsman Family Papers: Peabody Essex Museum
The Manchu Way - The Eight Banners & Ethnic Identity in Late Imperial China; Mark C Eliot, Stanford, 2001
The Merchants of Shameen, Robin Hutcheon
The Once Lost Art – A Look at Chinese Export Silver; H.A. Crosby Forbes, 2002
The Rise and Fall of the Canton Trade System; Peter c Perdue
The Opium War 1840-1842 - Barbarians in the Celestial Empire; Peter Ward Fay
The Opium War [History of Modern China]; Compilation Group
The Opium War: Julia Lovell, Picador, 2011
The Ornament on Chinese Silver of the Tang Dynasty; Jessica Rawson, 1982
The Scramble for China - Foreign Devils in the Qing Empire; Robert Bickers, Penguin, 2012
The Sydney Gazette, April 14, 1842
The Treaty Ports of China and Japan, Fred William Mayers, N B Dennys, C King, 1867 - Cambridge
University Press
There Year’s Wanderings in China; Robert Fortune, Mildmay Books, 1987
Treasures from India: Archer, M. et al,
Walks in the City of Canton, The Venerable John Henry Gray