Page 176 - Bonham's Asian Art London November 2015
P. 176



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A large group of monochrome-glazed miniature                               A large group of jade and hardstone snuff bottles
vases and snuff bottles                                                    Qing Dynasty and later
Qing Dynasty and later                                                     Including: a pale green jade pebble bottle, the stone with russet
Including: A flambé-glazed meiping; a copper-red glazed ‘sang-de-          inclusions; three unusual green and russet jade repoussé metal-
boeuf’ baluster vase; a green crackle-glazed globular jar; a near pair of  mounted bottles; a lapis lazuli bottle carved in high relief with a horse;
ochre-glazed flattened snuff bottles with beast-mask handles; a guan-      a rose quartz bottle with floral designs at the shoulder; a rock crystal
yao-style globular vase. The largest: 8.2cm (3 1/4in) high (23).           bottle formed as a hu vase with elephant head handles. The largest:
                                                                           10cm (3 7/8in) high (31).
£1,000 - 1,500
CNY9,700 - 15,000                                                          £700 - 1,000
HK$12,000 - 18,000                                                         CNY6,800 - 9,700
                                                                           HK$8,200 - 12,000

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