Page 193 - Bonham's Asian Art London November 2015
P. 193

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458                                                                       459
A pale green and brown jade rhyton                                        A green jade rhyton vessel
Yongbao seal mark, Ming Dynasty                                           18th century
Well-hollowed, the archaistic vessel raised on four short feet formed     Borne on the back of a winged horned mythical beast, the tapering
by the ears and horns of a dragon-carp with upswept tail, the vessel      vessel of oval section and decorated with two playful chilong
borne out if its open mouth decorated with various registers of           clambering the flanks and peaking over the rim, the stone of an even
curvilinear designs, two small high-relief chilongs clambering the side,  green tone with faint horizontal, streaked creamy-white inclusions.
a further chilong peaking over the rim and constituting the handle, the   10cm (4in) high
base with incised seal mark within a double square, the stone of a
semi-translucent pale green with extensive cloudy-white and mottled       £6,000 - 8,000
brown and russet inclusions. 15.5cm (16 1/8in) high                       CNY58,000 - 77,000
                                                                          HK$71,000 - 94,000
£2,000 - 3,000
CNY19,000 - 29,000
HK$24,000 - 35,000

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