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271                                                                         清十八世紀  鎏金銅半托迦尊者坐像

A GILT-BRONZE FIGURE OF ARHAT                                               半托迦尊者是十六羅漢之一。他深達佛理,是著名
panthaka                                                                    的學者,所以圖像中常左手結說法印,右手持經書。

Qing Dynasty, 18TH CENTURY                                                  比較清宮舊藏的一件畫半托迦尊者的唐卡(圖一),
The arhat is modelled seated with knees casually crossed, his               全集,香港,2003,198 頁。唐卡中的尊者與本品一
left arm resting on the raised leg, his right hand holding a scroll,        樣均是左手結說法印,右手持經書,但是雙腿全跏,
all above a double-cushioned throne incised with brocade                    不像本品呈半跏式。
5√ in. (15 cm.) high


Panthaka is one of The Sixteen Arhats. He is a renowned scholar of the
Dharma and is often depicted with his left hand in the teaching mudra
and the right hand carrying a book.

Compare the Imperial thangka in the Qing Court Collection depicting
Panthaka (fig. 1), illustrated in Tangka - Buddhist Painting of Tibet, The
Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Hong Kong,
2003, p. 198, which also depicts the arhat holding a book in his right
hand while the left in teaching mudra. However, the painted example
depicts him seated in full lotus position, while the current figure is in
royal ease with his left leg raised.

                                                                            fig. 1

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