Page 505 - Oriental Series Japan and China, Brinkly
P. 505


APPLE GREEN monochromatic ware,              Hsuan-te era, 113; soft-paste,
    320 ; modern imitations, 381.
                                             of Cheng-hwa era,  61 1  ;  primacy
Azure blue monochromatic porcelain,
                                             of soft-paste, 117, 122 ; identifica-
                                             tion of early, 117, 119; hard-

                                             paste, of Cheng-hwa era, 1 1 8 ;

BAMBOO as an emblem of longevity,            specimen court orders, 122125,

    165.                                     129133; temporary decline of
Banko-yaki of Japan and Ti-hsing-
                                             manufacture of soft-paste, 126;
   yao, 364.
                                             hard-paste, of Lung-ching and
Black Hawthorn ware, 218; crite-
                                             Wan-li eras, 126, 133; colour
   rion, 219; imitations, 219, 220,
                                             character of, of later Ming dynasty,

    38i.                                     127, 135 ; of early Tsing dynasty,
Black monochromatic wares, Ting,             136; Hawthorn pattern, 137

    24, 29, 323 ; Chien, 58, 323 ;           145; Kai-pien, of Kang-hsi era,
   not made during Ming dynasty,
                                             145; hard-paste egg-shell, of
    323 ; metalic, 323, 325 ; mirror,
                                             Kang-hsi era, 1 47 ; Occidental
   323325 ; modern, 328 ; method,
                                             estimation, 148 ; other hard-paste,

    401.                                     of Kang-hsi era, 149, 153 ;
Blanc de Chine ware.
                                 See Ivory   quality of the painting, 150; souffle,
                                             151 153; artistic value, 155; in

Blanc-de-lune monochromatic ware,            combination with red under the

    313-                                     glaze, 170; of Yung-ching era,
Blue monochromatic wares, clair-de-
                                             170172; deteriorated colour in

lune, 51, 312; imitation of glass,               Chien-lung era, 173 ; stippled,
                                                 174; decadence, 174; Nankin
310; souffle, 311; azure, 312;
                                                ware, 176178; Famille Chrys-
lilac,  313;     lapis ,  314;    Mazarin,      anthemo-Pffoneenne, 205210 ;
                                 of the sky     modern, 378380.
314;                          "
        watered, 315;                        Boccaro ware, character, 353; speci-
                                                men tea-pots, 353, 354; esteem,
after rain," 315 ; turquoise, 316                3 54 ; origin and manufacture, 355
318. See also Colours, Polychro-                357; potters, 357-362; fashion

matic wares.                                    in tea-pots, 362 ; technique, 363 ;

Blue-and-white ware, beginnings, 97             caligraphy, on, 363 ; varieties, 364 ;

   loi ; use of Mohammedan blue,

04o oI 1 ,                       1  ; of
        11    ;  criteria,

Hung- wu era, 1 04 ; of Yung-lo

era, 105; preparation and char-              European copies, 363 ; Japanese
                                             copies, 364; as a work of art,
acter of soft-paste or Kai-pien,

106109; of Hsuan-te era, 109 ;                   365.
                                             Borneo, old trade with China, 68 ;
hard-paste, of Hsuan-te era, 1 1 1 ;
                                                 prized specimens of old Chinese
decorative subjects and skill, 1 1 1
                                                ware, 6971.
11 3 1 SS~ 1 ^7* specimens of

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