Page 509 - Oriental Series Japan and China, Brinkly
P. 509
349 ; usual glazes, 349. See also Yuan porcelain, 9 1 ; granulated,
Celadons, Keramics, Porcelain, 114; application by insufflation,
I 5 I > 395 Yung-lo era egg-shell
porcelain, 255 ; Ivory-white
Familie Chrysan.themo-Paeoneenne
porcelains, character, 205 ; usually porcelain, 271 ; preparation, 385-
387; care in manufacture, 387;
Japanese, 206, 208 decoration,
; probable reason for excellence,
206 ; distinguishing features of 388393; method of developing
Chinese and Japanese, 206-208
origin of decoration, 209. coloured, 393, 394, 399-401.
See also Crackle, Polychromatic
Famille Rose porcelains, origin in ware, and for monochromes, see
Kang-hsi era, 210; character,
211; criteria, 212; special the colours by name.
Gold as a decoration, 151, 191, 221,
varieties, 212215.
Famille forte porcelains, forerunner,
1 90 ; of Kang-hsi era, 204 ; ces- Golden brown monochromatic ware,
sation of production, 214; Three- 326-328.
Gosu Aka-e, Japanese name for early
coloured ware, 247.
Chinese ware decorated over the
Fan-hung monochromatic porcelain,
of Chia-Ching era, 284 ; of Tsing glaze, 181.
dynasty, 297. Gourd as an emblem of longevity, 166.
Fang-chun-yao, 338. G"raGrianiends-golfa-zrei,ce3"39.decoration, 229.
Fang-ko-yao, 344. See also Green monochromatic wares, deep,
Fang-ting-yao, 25, 262.
Ting-yao. 319; apple, 320; peacock, 320;
Figure subjects for decoration, 204.
Fish-roe crackle, 346. cucumber-rind, 321; snake-skin,
Flambe ware. See Transmutation 321; Chiao-lu, 322; crab-shell,
322. See also Colours, Polychro-
matic wares.
Fond laque monochromatic ware,
Gypsum, use for relief designs, 270.
Fox as an emblem of longevity, 164. HANG-CHOW, as a depot for foreign
Franks, A. W., on Chinese celadons,
trade, 66. mono-
78; on Chinese symbols, 158; on
English estimation of Chinese porce- Hao Shih-chiu, potter, his
lain, 1 80; on foreign influences
on Chinese keramics, 232. chromatic porcelains, 257.
Fungus as an emblem of longevity, 1 66.
Fuhkien province, Chien ware of Sung Hao-fang, potter, 361.
Hare as an emblem of longevity, 1 64.
dynasty, 5 7 ; Ivory-white ware, 271.
Hawthorn pattern ware, forerunner,
118; Occidental estimation, 137,
145; character, 137; not ranked
high in China, 138; pigment,
GLASS, as a precious stone in China, 138140; its application, 141;
8; use in over-the-glaze decora-
criteria, 141; shapes, 142144;
tion, 245, 310.
condition of surviving specimens,
Glaze, early varieties, 19, 23; Ting
ware, 24, 27; Chun ware, 51-55; 142; special designs, 144; marks,
Chien ware, 58; early preference 144; period of production, 145;
over decoration, 61, 96, 368; black, 2 1 8 ; modern imitations, 3 79.
Hei-ti-pai-hwa, 218.