Page 513 - Oriental Series Japan and China, Brinkly
P. 513


338; grained, 339; checkered,                    of colour, 298 ; Jujube, 299 ;
                                                 Rouge, 300; Coral, 301; West-
    340 ; tortoise-shell, 341 ; tiger-skin,      ern, 301 ; ruby-backed, 302. See
   341 ; Kwang faience, 350-352.
Pomegranate tree as a decorative sub-             also Colours, Polychromatic wares.
                                             Red-under-the-glaze decoration, use
ject, 167.
                                                 in Hsuan-te era, 127; Court orders
Pong Chun-pao, potter, 90.                       for, in Wan-li era, 128, 131; Tsing
Porcelain, Chinese, question of earliest         dynasty ware, 168; criteria, 1 6 8-
                                                 170; in combination with blue,
   manufacture, 6-12, 99 ; gradations,
   99, 250, 348; celadons, 82;               Repairing porcelain, Chinese method,
   method of repairing, 1 43 ; mono-
   chromes the ideal, 154; original              H3-
   meaning of term, 366; rise of pres-
   ent use of name and earliest speci-       Reserved style of decoration, 193.
                                             Robin' s-egg glaze, 333.
   mens in Europe, 366372; rise of           Rouge-red monochromatic porcelain,

   European trade in, 372; Occi-                 300.
    dental confusion of, with Japan-         Rouge-vif. See Chi-hung.

   ese> 373 > Occidental influences,         Ruby-back porcelains, 212, 302.
   374; character of early exported,
   3 74 ; first exportation of high-grade    SALVETAT, Alphonse, on manufacture

enamelled, 375, 376; composition,               of glaze, 388390; on colour ma-
                                                terials and methods, 399410.
383385; care in manufacture,
                                             San-tsai-ki, porcelain, 245, 247;
388; present supply and demand
of old, 377; modern imitations,                 faience, 246249.

377382; process in egg-shell,                Sang de bceuf monochromatic porce-
                                                 lain, 286. See also Lang-yao.
395 ; stoving, 396. See also Blue-
and-white ware, Enamelled ware,              Sartel, O. du, error on Chinese porce-
                                                 lain, 9 ; on secret-coloured ware,
Faience, Polychromatic wares,                    17; on antiquity of enamelled
                                                 porcelain, 185; on European imi-
Pottery, Red under the glaze, and               tations of Chinese porcelain, 238-
also monochromes under the names                 243; on crackle, 346; on European

of colours.                                      collections of Chinese porcelain,

Porcelain Tower of Nanking, 349.                 377-
                                             Satow, Ernest, investigation into Si-
Pottery, extent of the term, 348 ;
                                                 amese celadons, 65.
boccaro, 353-365.           See also         Sceptre, Buddhist, as a decorative

Faience, Keramics, Porcelain.                    subject, 1 66.

Purple monochromatic wares, 24, 26,          Se-liang, potter, 360.
                                             Sevres painted ware, Chinese imita-
51, 309. See also Colours.
                                                 tion, 216.
RED MONOCHROMATIC WARES, Hling-              Shan-hu-hung monochromatic porce-

ting, 27 ; esteem, 278 ; first, 278-             lain, 301.
280; Chi-hung, 280286, 292                   Shan-si province, faience, 349.
                                             Shan-yu-hwang monochromatic ware,
294, 297; Fan-hung, 284, 297;
Sang de bceuf or Lang, of Kang-hsi              37-

era, 286291 ; Chiang-tou-hung                Shao Erh-sun, potter, 361.

of Kang-hsi er.- , 294; Pin-kwo-

       1  or  Peach-bloom,  294-297;

ts ing

Hung-mien, 298: classification ac-

cording to method of development
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