Page 515 - Oriental Series Japan and China, Brinkly
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of red glaze, 278; purple, 309;               Unicorn, or Ki-lin, as a decorative
                                                  subject, 157, 164.
black, 323.

To-tai-ki, 253-257.                           WAN LI ERA, blue-and-white ware,
Tortoise as a decorative subject, 157,

164.                                          126, 133-135; red-under-the-
                                              glaze ware, 128, 131; enamelled
Tortoise-shell glaze, 341.

Trade, keramic, with Japan, 29, 73 ;             ware, 194201.

depots for early Eastern export, 66,          Watered-blue monochromatic porce-

95 ; channels for early export, 68,               lain, 315.

72 ;  with  Borneo,  68            European,  Wei-tsu. See Kai-pien.
                                ;             Western reds, 301.

    372-377-                                  White monochromatic wares, Ting
Transmutation ware, process, 330                 soft-paste, and its successors, 24

    332; varieties, 3 3 2-3 3 4 ; wide        32, 83, 85, 93, 250-252, 257-

   range, 334; modern, 342.                   264; hard-paste egg-shell, 252
Tsao-hung monochromatic porce-
                                              257, 264266; revival of hard-
   lain, 299; use in combination,

    299.                                      paste, in   Kang-hsi  era,       266
Tsiang Poh-Kwa, potter, 359.
Tsin dynasty, ware, 13.                       decorations in early Tsing eras,

Tsin-yao, 16.                                 267270; criteria of hard-paste,
Tsing dynasty, blue-and-white ware,
                                              267, 271 ; Ivory-white, 271-275;
   136175; modern decline of
   keramic art, 175, 380382;                      marks, 275 ; Tsu-chou, 276.
   enamelled porcelain, 201217 ;              White slip decoration, 230.
   white monochromes, 266271 ;
                                              Wu-tsai-ki, 191.
   red monochromes, 286-303 ; yel-
   low monochromes, 305309.                   YA O-PIEN, process, 330-332; va-

                                              23rieties, 3 3    34; wide range,

Tau-chou-yao, 276, 350.                           335-
Tsui, potter, 135, 200.                       Yellow monochromatic wares, first,
Tsui-se monochromatic ware,
                                   316;       303 ; transparent, 304306 ;

                                              opaque, 306; mustard, 306; eel,

varieties, 317.                                  307 ; spotted, 307.
                                              Yen-chi-hung monochromatic porce-
Tu-Ting-yao, 29, 251, 350.

Tui-hwa-ki, 269.                              lain, 300.
Tung- Han, potter, 357.
                                              Yen-ching-tou-hwa ware, 230.
Tung-ngeu-tao, 13.                            Yi-hsing-yao. See Boccaro.
                                              Yu-li-hung, Tsing dynasty red-
Tung-siu-hwa ware, 339.
Turquoise blue, monochromatic ware,               under-the-glaze ware, 168.

316; varieties, 317; polychromatic            Yuan Chang, potter, 358.
                                              Yueh-pai monochromatic ware, 313.
    ware, 338.
Tzu-chin monochromatic ware, 326              Yueh-yao, 15, 17.

328.                                          Yuan dynasty, keramic conditions,

      monochromatic ware, 323,                    90, 94, 95 ; its so-called porcelain,
                                                  91, 312; wares of Ching-te-chen,
U-ching monochromatic ware, 323
   325; modern imitations, 326.                  9294; enamelled ware, 180

V-ni-yao, 59, 323.                                 182.

                                              Yung-ching era, blue-and-white ware,
                                                  \ 7 1 ; identity with ware of Kang-

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