Page 514 - Oriental Series Japan and China, Brinkly
P. 514


Shao Wan-kin, potter, 359.                    Tu-Ting, 29; Ju, 32-37; Kuan,
Shao Wan-yin, potter, 359.                    37-4 1 5 Jung, 41 ; Lung-chuan,
                                              41-50; Ko, 42-45, 50; Chun,
Shao-kai, potter, 361.
                                             5057; Chien, 57-60; Su-chou
Shao-shan, potter, 358.
Shapes, in blue-and-white porcelain,          imitation of Ting, 85 ; of Ching-te-
                                              chen, 89, 90 ; blue-and-white,
    113, 123-125, 129-134, 146,               98; Tsu-chou, 276; green tiles,
    147; in Hawthorn pattern ware,
    142 ; in enamelled porcelain, 187 ;       3I9-
   lamp-shades, 215; copies from          Symbols, Chinese, as decorative sub-
   bronzes, 251; boccaro tea-pots,
                                             jects, 158-161.
    362, 363.                             Szechuen province, ware of the Tang
She-pi-lu monochromatic ware, 321.
                                               dynasty, 16.
Sheu-yao, 15, 303.
Shi Ming, potter, 358.                    TA-LU monochromatic ware, 319.
Shi Ta-pin, potter, 358.
Shi Ying, potter, 359.                    Ta-sin, caligraphist, 361.
                                          Tang, superintendent of Ching-te-
Shi-hang, potter, 358.
                                              chen potteries, 81, 137, 172,
Shin-tin-ki, 90.                              201, 298; his yellow glaze, 307,
Shoso-in collection, specimens of early
    Chinese wares, 21.
Shu Chiao, potter, 28, 260.               Tang dynasty, wares, 1517, 21.

Shu Hung, potter, 28, 260.                Tao-lu, keramic history, 3.
                                          Tao-shu, keramic annals, 3.
Shu-fu-yao, 93, 251.
Shu-yao, 16.                              Tao Yu, potter, 14.
Shun-chih era, blue-and-white ware,       Taou-kwang era, blue-and-white ware,

    136.                                       175-
Siam ware, 64 ; celadon, 64.
                                          Te-hwa-yao, 271.
Siao-nan-yao, 136.                        Tea, properties ascribed to, 57.
Siao-yao, 260.
Snuff-bottles, Chinese, in Egyptian       Tea ceremonial, Japanese art tenden-

    tombs, 228.                               cies, 98.
Solyman on early Chinese porcelain, i o.  Tea-pots. See Boccaro ware.
Souffle ware, 151-153, 311, 395.          Three-coloured ware, porcelain, 245,
Spotted-yellow ware, 307.
Starred-ice crackle, 345.                    247 ; faience, 246249.
Steatite, use in soft-paste porcelain,
                                          Tieh-siu-hwa ware, 339.
    107, 267, 269.                        Tien-Ian monochromatic porcelain,
Stippling in blue-and-white ware, 1 74.
Sii Ts'z-ching, potter, 362.                  312.
                                          Tiger as a decorative subject, 157.
Sii Yiu-chiien, potter, 358.
                                          Tiger-skin glaze, 341.
Su-chou-yao, 85.          See Decora-     Tiles, ancient green, 319.
Subjects for decoration.                  Ting-yao, original or Sung, date of

     tion.                                   origin, 23 ; character, 2427, 250

Sui dynasty, wares, 13-15.                    252; scarcity, 27; imitations and
                                              later wares called, 27, 83, 85,
Sui-ki, 343.                                  93; coarser varieties, 28, 29; fac-
Sung dynasty wares, Ting, 24-28,             tory transferred to Nan-chang, 31;
                                             character of the Nan-chang ware,
    31, 250, 259, 260; Kichou, 28;           3 1 ; Ming, 257; later, made at

                                             Ching-te-chen, 262264; question

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