Page 511 - Oriental Series Japan and China, Brinkly
P. 511
Julien, Stanilas, researches in Chinese Kiang-su province, ware of the Tang
keramics, 3.
dynasty, 16.
Jung-yao, 41. Kilns, stoving of porcelain, 396.
King-fisher glaze. See Tsui-se.
KA I-PIEN- YA o, character, 106-109;
Ko Chu, Cheng-hwa era potter, 1 88.
scarcity, o1 1 ; character of early Ko Tan-jin, Cheng-hwa era potter,
decoration, 112; of Kang-hsi era, 188.
145 ; small pieces, 146 ; Occidental Ko-yao, origin, 42 ; distinguished from
reputation, 148; subjects for deco- Lung-chuan-yao,^z ; character, 42,
ration, 167 ; modern imitations, 44, 50; identification, 49; trans-
mutation ware, 49 ; imitations, 7 7 ;
380. crackle, 343. See also Lung-chuan-
Kang-hsi era, golden age of keramics,
137; Hawthorn pattern ware,
Koh Min-tsiang, potter, 351.
137145; Kai-pien ware, 145; Koh Yuan-tsiang, potter, 351.
hard-paste blue-and-white ware, Kuan-yao of Sung dynasty, origin, 37 ;
character, 37-41 ; factory trans-
147153; enamelled ware, 201 ferred, 39 ; transmutation ware, 49 ;
imitations, 76, 77; of the Ming
214; Black Hawthorn ware, 219;
enamels on red glaze, 221 ; revival dynasty, 80103; distinguishing
of white monochromes, 266.
features, 8 1 ; of the Tsing dynasty,
Kang-tsiao ts' ing monochromatic ware, 82; various wares so-called, 221,
320. 222, 255, 300, 303, 307, 317,
Kaolin, functions in porcelain, 384,
Keramics, Chinese, former Occidental Kung-chun, potter, 353, 357.
Kwa-pi-lu monochromatic ware, 320,
attitude, I ; lost skill, I ; first Occi-
dental researches, 3 ; beginnings, 5,
Kwang-tung province, soft-paste por-
9 ; early preference for faience and celains, 260, 261; faience, 313,
monochromes, 26, 61 ; impossible
to identify potters, 136; depend- 350-353-
ence on official patronage, 175,
410 ; gradations in the wares, 348 ; Kwang-yao, 313, 350-353.
earliest specimens in Europe, 366
372; obscurity of processes, 383; LACQUERED PORCELAIN, 342.
genius, 397. See also, Faience, Lamp-shades of enamelled egg-shell
Porcelain, Pottery, and wares by
name and style. porcelain, 215, 229.
Ki-chou-yao, 28 ; and the origin of
transmutation ware, 28. Lan-yao-pien, 332.
Kiang-nan province, ware of the Tang Lang family, potters, 287.
dynasty, I 5 ; soft-paste porcelains, Lang-yao, origin, 286288 ; varieties,
258262; yellow monochromes, 288-290; pate, 290; auxiliary
33- glazes, 290; no marks, 291 ; ces-
sation of production, 391 ; modern
Kiang-si province, wares of the Sui
imitations, 381.
dynasty, 1415; Kichou ware, 28; Lapis blue monochromatic ware, 3 1 4.
Li Chun-fang, potter, 358.
Ting ware, 3 1 ; soft-paste porce-
lains, 260. See also Ching-te- Liang, potter, 357.
Lime, use in Chinese glaze, 386, 389,
4 2I