Page 507 - Oriental Series Japan and China, Brinkly
P. 507


Ching Ning-heu, potter, 362.                       301 ; iridescent enamels, 216; yel-
                                                  low of Ming and Tsing dynasties,
Ching-te-chen official potteries, early            224; wide range, 335; materials
                                                   and methods for glaze or couleurs de
   keramic importance, 14, 89; Kuan
                                                  grand feu, 393, 394, 399-401;
celadon of Ming dynasty,  80             imi-      materials and methods for decora-
                                                   tive, or couleurs de demi-grandfeu,
tations of old celadons, 83 ; situa-               393 401-410. See also Poly-
                                                  chromatic ware, Enameled ware
tion, 86; in 1625, 86-88; marks,                   (coloured ground), and for mono-
                                                  chromes see the colours by name.
89, 93 ; under the Yuan dynasty,               Composition, of Chinese cobalt, 103 ;
                                                   of Chinese and Sevres porcelain,
92 ; Shu-fu or later Ting ware, 93,                384 ; of European colours for decor-
                                                  ative purposes, 402 ; of Chinese
251, 262264; special Court fac-
                                                   enamels, 405.
tory, 103, 122; specimen Court                 Coral red monochromatic porcelain,

orders for blue-and-white ware in                  301.
                                               Crab's claw markings, 35.
   Ming dynasty, 123125, 129-                  Crab-sheil green monochromatic ware,

    133; manufacture of large pieces,              322.
    134; Nien's superintendence, 171;
    Tang's superintendence, 172; de-           Crackle, Ju celadon, 34; Kuan cela-
                                                  don, 38 ; Ko ware, 42, 343 ; soft-
    stroyed, 175; present condition,
    175; Nankin ware of private facto-             paste blue-and-white porcelain, 107,
                                                   109; later Ting ware, 263 ; Tsui-
    ries, 177.                                     se or Turquoise ware, 317; origin,
Chiun-tien, variety of flamb'e ware,               343 ; method for large, 343 ; esteem,
                                                   344; Chinese skill in manipulating,
    333-                                           344; fine, 346; fish-roe, 346; dif-
                                                   ference between ancient and mod-
Chou dynasty, later Chai ware, 1 8.
                                                   ern, 346.
Chu-hwa-ki, 269.                               Crane as an emblem of longevity,
Chui-ching-yao, preparation and styles,
    '51-153-                                   Cucumber-rind green monochromatic

Chun-yao, esteem, 50 ; character, 5 1 ;            ware, 321.

   glazes, 51-53; marks, 53, 57;               DECORATION, incised and relief, on
                                                   white monochromes, 16, 25, 255,
   errors respecting, 5357; imita-
                                                  263, 267270, 272 ; incised and
   tions, 83 ; red, 279; purple, 309;
                                                   relief, on coloured monochromes, 36,
    clair-de-lune, 312.
Clair-de-lune glaze, 51, 91, 312,                  43, 47, 58, 82, 281, 296, 306,
                                                   314, 317, 322, 349; copies from
    3'3> 352.                                      ancient bronzes, 36, 39, 6 1 ; early
                                                  subordination to glaze, 96 ; subjects
Cobalt, Mohammedan blue, 101,                      and character of, for blue-and-white
   no, 121, 122, 128, 140; com-
                                                  ware, 111-113, I2 3~ I2 5> 129-
    position of native, 103 ; use and              133, 149, 155-167; forerunner

   quality of native, 139141, 400.

    See also Colours.

Cochin China, ware so-called, 29.
Colours, quality of early blue, 99,

   oI I ; importation and use of Mo-
   hammedan blue, oI 1 , 1 1 o, 121,

    122, 128, 140; character of blue
   of later Ming dynasty, 127, 135;
   red under the glaze, 127, 169;

   native blue, 138140; in mono-

   chromes, I 54; enamels ofthe Cheng-
   hwa era, 189, 191; enamels of the

   Kang-hsi era, 203,210,211,233,

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