Page 83 - Sotheby's New York Chinese Jade Auction September 13, 2018
P. 83

          A RARE WHITE JADE HINGED TWO-PART BELT FITTING      This belt ftting is unusual in that the two plaques are of rectangular
                                                              shape and are carved in an openwork style similar to other jade
                                                              rectangular plaques of Ming date that were made as belt plaques,
          The belt ftting is comprised of two rectangular plaques joined by
          a rectangular link carved with a lingzhi sprig, each plaque is fnely   such as the example that is at the center of a jade belt illustrated
          carved in openwork with a chilong crawling amidst scrolling stems of   in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum - 41 -
          lingzhi carved to create a sense of depth, at one end is a cloud-form   Jadeware (II), Hong Kong, 1995, pp. 204-205, pl. 166, or those
          loop held by the link and at the opposite end is a small opening   that are part of another Ming jade belt illustrated in Zhongguo Yuqi
          incorporated into the carving. The fat reverse is plain.  Quanji - 5 - Sui, Tang, Ming, Hubei, 1994, p. 135, pl. 201. As there
          6¬ in. (16.8 cm.) wide overall                      is a small opening at the end of each plaque it is likely that this
                                                              may have been a belt ftting where a cord would have been looped
          $8,000-12,000                                       through the openings at the ends. The ability of the two plaques to
                                                              be folded fat against each other may also have facilitated storage.
                                                              Another similarly constructed, jade hinged two-part belt buckle or
          Lizzadro Collection, Elmhurst, Illinois, acquired prior to 1960.  ftting from the Qinxuan Collection, which is comprised of two
                                                              rectangular plaques with rounded ends that are similarly carved in
                                                              openwork with a dragon leaping amidst lotus stems, and which has
                                                              a lingzhi carved on top of the link, was included in the exhibition,
                                                              Magic and Order: Jade in Chinese Culture, Palm Springs Desert
                                                              Museum, 1990, no. 36, where it is dated Yuan dynasty. As with
                                                              the present ftting, each plaque has a similar cloud-form loop at one
                                                              end and a small opening at the opposite end.
                                                              元/明    白玉鏤雕螭龍靈芝紋帶飾

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