Page 39 - Chinese pottery and porcelain : an account of the potter's art in China from primitive times to the present day
P. 39


Anuerson, W., Catalogue of the Japanese and Chinese Paintings in the British

      Museum. 1886.
Bin YON, L., " Painting in the Far East."
Bretschneider, E., " Mediaeval Researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources," Truebner's

        Oriental Series. 1878.                                            London,

Brinkley, Capt. F., " China, its History, Arts and Literature," vol. ix.


Burton, W., " Porcelain : A Sketch of its Nature, Art and Manufacture." London,


Burton, W., and Hobson, " Marks on Potterj' and Porcelain." London, 1912.

BusHELL, S. W., " Chinese Porcelain, Sixteenth-Century coloured illustrations with

      Chinese MS. text," by Hsiang Yuan-p'ien, translated by S. W. Bushell. Oxford,

       1908. Sub-title " Porcelain of Different Dynasties."
BusHELL, S. W., " Chinese Porcelain before the Present Dynasty," being a translation

       of the last, with notes. Peking, 1886.
Bushell, S. W., " Description of Chinese Pottery and Porcelain," being a translation

       of the T'ao shuo. Oxford, 1910.

Bushell, S. W., " Oriental Ceramic Art, Collection of W. T. Walters." New York,


Bushell, S. \V., Catalogue of the Pierpont Morgan Collection. New York.
Bushell, S. W., " Chinese Art," 2 vols., " Victoria and Albert Museum Handbook."


Chavannes, Edouard, " La Sculpture sur pierre en Chine au temps des deux dynasties

       Han." Paris, 1893.
Chavannes, Edouard, " Mission Archeologique dans la Chine Septentrionale."

        Paris, 1909.

The Chiang hsi t'ung chih tllSMiS- The topographical history of the province of

       Kiangsi, revised edition in 180 books, published in 1882.

The Ch'in ting ku chin t'u shu chi ch'eng ik'^'^'n'M^^JS,- The encyclopaedia

      of the K'ang Hsi period. Section XXXII. Handicrafts (k'ao kung). Part 8
      entitled Tao kung pu hui k'ao, and Part 248 entitled Tza ch'i pii hui k'ao.

Chin shih so ^:G^, " Researches in Metal and Stone," by the Brothers Feng. 1821.
The Ch'ing pi ts'ang i^^M, " A Storehouse of Artistic Rarities," by Chang Ying-wen,

      published by his son in 1595.
Tlie Ching-te Chen i'ao lu S^.^|5SI^, " The Ceramic Records of Ching-te Chen,"

      in ten parts, by Lan P'u, published in 1815. Books VIIL and IX. are a corpus

       of references to pottery and porcelain from Chinese literature.
The Ching ti yao ^'^,^, " Porcelain of Ching-te Chen," a volume of MS. written about


The Cho king lu ^B^t^, " Notes jotted down in the intervals of ploughing," a mis-
      cellany on works of art in thirty books, by T'ao Tsung-i, published in 1368. The
      section on pottery is practically a transcript of a note in the Yuan chat pi king, by

      Yeh Chih, a thirteenth-century writer.

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