Page 40 - Chinese pottery and porcelain : an account of the potter's art in China from primitive times to the present day
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xxviii  Chinese Pottery and Porcelain

D'Entrecolles, Pere, " Two Letters written from Ching-te Chen in 1712 and 1722,"

       published in Lcllres edifianles el curieuses, and subsequently reprinted in Bushcll's
      " Translation of the T'ao shuo " (q.v.), and translated in Burton's " Porcelain "


De Groot, J. J. M., " Lcs FStcs Annuelleinent C61dbr6es k Emoi," " Annales du

     Musee Guimet," Vols. XL and XIL Paris, 1886.

De Groot, J. J. M., " The Religious System of China." Leyden, 1894,

Dillon, E., "Porcelain" (The Connoisseur's Library).
Dukes, E. J., " Everyday Life in China, or Scenes in Fuhkien." London, 1885.
FoucHER, A., " fitude sur I'iconographie bouddhique de I'lnde. Paris, 1900.
Franks, A. W., Catalogue of a Collection of Oriental Porcelain and Pottery. London,


Giles, AH. A., Glossary of Reference on Subjects connected with the Far East.

        Shanghai, 1900.

Grandidier, E., " La Ceramique Chinoise." Paris, 1894.
Grunwedel, a., " Mythologie des Buddhismus in Tibet und der Mongolei." Leipzig,


Gulland, W. G., " Chinese Porcelain." London, 1902.
HiRTH, F., " China and the Roman Orient." Leipzig, 1885.

HiRTH, F., " Ancient Porcelain," a Study in Chinese Mediseval Industry and Trade

        Leipzig, 1888.

HiRTH, F., AND \V. W. RocKHiLL, " Chau Ju-kua, his Work on the Chinese and Arab

       Trade in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, entitled Chu-fan-chi." St. Peters-

        burg, 1912.

HoBSON, R. L., " Porcelain, Oriental, Continental and British," second edition. London,


HoBSON, R. L., " The New Chaffers." London, 1913.

HoBsoN, R. L., AND Burton, " Marks on Pottery and Porcelain," second edition.

       London, 1912.

HsiANG YiJAN-p'iEN. See Bushell.
Jacquemart, a., and E. Le Blant, " Histoire de la Porcelaine." Paris, 1862.

Julien, Stanislas, " Histoire et Fabrication de la Porcelaine Chinoise." Paris, 1856.

       Being a translation of the greater part of the Ching-te Chen t'ao lu, with various

       notes and additions.

The Ko ku yao lun i^'^Mtky " Essential Discussion of the Criteria of Antiquities,"

       by Tsao Ch'ao, published in 1387 in thirteen books ; revised and enlarged edition

         in 1459.

Laufer, Berthold, " Chinese Pottery of the Han Dynasty," Leyden, 1909.

Laufer, Berthold, " Jade, a Study in Chinese Archaeology and Religion," Field
      Museum of Natural History, Anthropological Series, Vol. X. Chicago, 1912.

The Li t'a k'an k'ao ku ou pien i^i^^%'^i^Ws> by Chang Chin-chien. 1877.
Mayers, W. F., " The Chinese Reader's Manual." Shanghai, 1874.
Meyer, A. B., " Alterthiimer aus dem Ostindischen Archipel."

MoNKHousE, Cosmo, " A Historj'^ and Description of Chinese Porcelain, with notes

       by S. W. Bushell." London, 1901.
Playfair, G. M. H., " The Cities and Towns of China." Hong-Kong, 1910.

The Po wu yao Ian 1f i}^^^, " A General Survey of Art Objects," by Ku Ying-t'ai,

        published in the T'ien Ch'i period (1621-27).

Richard, L., " Comprehensive Geography of the Chinese Empire." Shanghai, 1908.
Sarre, F., and B. Shulz, " Denkmaler Persischer Baukunst." Berlin, 1901-10.
Stein, M. A., " Ruins of Desert Cathay." London, 1912.
Stein, M. A., " Sand-buried Ruins of Khotan." London, 1903.
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