Page 41 - Chinese pottery and porcelain : an account of the potter's art in China from primitive times to the present day
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Bibliography  xxix

Shin sho sei, etc., " Japan, Antiquarian Gallery." 1891.
"Tao lu. See Ching-te Chen t'ao lu.

Tao shuo PStt, " A Discussion of Pottery," by Chu Yen, in six parts, published in 1774.

       See BusHELL.

Toyei Shako, An Illustrated Catalogue of the Ancient Imperial Treasury called

       Shoso-in, compiled by the Imperial Household. Tokyo, 1909.
T'u Shu. See Chin ting ku chin fu shu chi ch'ing.
Warner, Langdon, and Shiba-junrokuro, " Japanese Temples and their Treasures."

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Yule, Sir H., " The Book of Ser Marco Polo." London, 1903.
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 Bahr, a. W., " Old Chinese Porcelain and Works of Art in China." London, 1911.
 Bell, Hamilton, " ' Imperial ' Sung Pottery," Art in America, July, 1913.
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 Bretschneider, E., Botanicon Sinicum, Journal of the North-China Branch of

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 Brinkley, F., Catalogue of the Exhibitions at the Boston Museum of Arts, 1884.

 Burlington Magazine, The, passim.
 BusHELL, S. W., " Chinese Porcelain before the Present Dynasty," Journal of the

        Peking Oriental Society, 1886.

Catalogue of a Collection of Early Chinese Pottery and Porcelain, Burlington Fine
         Arts Club, 1910.

Clennell, W. J., " Journey in the Interior of Kiangsi," Consular Report. H.M.

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     New York.
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